A user-friendly version of functions to check if required R packages are installed and have minimum required versions.
(character) The name of the list with required R packages. E.g., "mini", "Rcmdr", "Rcmdr-biostat", "bio", etc.
(logical) If TRUE
, the list, which is locally
installed in the folder of package bio ("local list"), is used.
, the list on "GitHub" repository of the package is used.
It is recommended using the online version of the list, as it may
contain more recent changes.
Optiom bight be set globally by, e.g.,
options(bio.local_list = TRUE)
Upgrade dependencies.
See upgrade
in remotes::install_cran()
Further arguments to get_pkgs_installation_status()
(character) The name (vector of names) of R packages.
Either list_name
or pkgs
must be NULL
Function invisibly returns object with package installation status.
if (FALSE) {
check_packages_by_topic("mini", local_list = TRUE)
check_packages_by_topic("mini", include = "always", local_list = TRUE)
check_packages_by_topic("mini", include = "always", install = "outdated",
github = "always", local_list = TRUE)
check_packages_by_name(c("bio", "usethis", "ggplot1"))